You understand that donating to an art museum would be a non refundable act, likened unto a GIFT...

Likewise, when you send money to me, Tyler Shouse, aka. King Tyler VVS, you agree that you are GIFTING said money to fund my creative works irreversibly; and you legally agree that you will not attempt to reclaim these funds for any reason whatsoever.

You agree that I am a person of extremely high integrity, and you trust that I will always keep my word in that I will apply said funds toward the creative arts. You have full faith that I will work on my projects or ideas until they are complete, no matter what. You understand that all projects I complete will be beneficial to you in an educational, inspirational or entertaining way. You agree to these terms, knowing that I will not refund any payments. You understand that the moment I receive money from you or any additional party, said funds will immediately and irreversibly have been spent to purchase materials and integrative designs for purposes of forwarding my creative arts.

When you choose to support me as a Patron via sending money to me in any way, you understand that your money is considered a GIFT for the love and inspiration of my ARTWORK and to be irreversibly used for the betterment of an artistic human culture. You will receive my full attention, guidance, assistance, and entertainment; applicable to any artistic venture: be it digital, visual, or physical in nature. ALL MONETARY GIFTS ARE FINAL. Satisfaction is ALL but guaranteed, however; in the rare chance you are still dissatisfied, understand that a refund is impossible.

A casino is not legally required to refund you. You know you are gambling when you put money into a casino. While I believe the odds of you being happy with my works are 99% in favor of an agreeable outcome, I acknowledge there still exists that 1% chance you will still be dissatisfied with my work. Gift your money to me at your own risk - refunds will never happen and this policy is absolutely non-negotiable; all payments and monetary gifts are FINAL.